Welcome to The Baron Pit!

Hello everyone!

My name is Wraev, and I am an avid League of Legends player. For a long time now, I have been interested in writing, talking, and streaming league, and this is my first attempt at doing so!

On this blog, I will be talking about League in general, such as patch notes and my experiences as well as sharing pictures or videos I feel worth of being shared with all of you.

I also LOVE watching the LCS, and there will be a page on my site dedicated to talking about that weekly for those of you who are into it as much as I am.

Aside from my blog posts and videos, I am going to begin streaming! Once I get that all set up and running, I’ll post a link here!

Below this you will find a small help-post about how to navigate around as well as my first blog post. I encourage you to comment on the post “Let’s Get Started!”

If you have any questions or suggestions for me, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below.

Enjoy your stay in The Baron Pit!


Cloud 9’s Final Push for Worlds!

Cloud 9 showed up today, much like how we all remember them playing. Winning against TSM the team became tied with T8 for 7th place, which is the final spot to guarantee a seat in the LCS next split.

C9 played a very solid game against T8 as well, winning in the tiebreaker which ultimately guaranteed that they will still be here in the LCS next year, as well as giving them a shot to attend Worlds. However, this means that Team 8 will now be going to the promotional series, fighting against the Challenger Series teams for a spot in the LCS.

What’s next for C9? Can we continue to see them grow with their new team arrangement?

I, for one, think that Incarnati0n is an exceptional player, especially on Orianna. Hai has also been a major part of the success with his assassin junglers such as Nidalee and sated devourer Shyvanna. However, is this success only temporary due to the Shyvanna, since she contributed majorly for today’s two wins? In other words, did a champion and item win them the games, or is the teamwork of C9 finally back?

I am excited for this team as they figure everything out. I am glad they are starting to figure things out with all of the player movements, and I hope that we will see a lot of them this year in worlds!


Favorite Champions and Roles

What’s your favorite champion(s) and role(s)?

My favorite champion is Ezreal, but my favorite role is Jungle.

Ezreal, in my opinion, is the most fun champion to play. He’s very fast paced and fun to play. (It’s also rare I don’t find myself making “pew-pew!” sound effects while playing him.)

Role wise, I think that Jungle is the most fun. It allows you to have a great amount of control over the game. I like the PvE aspect of it, as well as the coordination it takes to make sure you are on top of what the other jungler is doing and capitalize on their location.

What do you guys thinks? Comment below!


Let’s Get Started!

In honor of our first discussion post, let’s talk favorite baron plays!

I want to know what you guys think the best baron steals and plays you’ve seen, either your own or from the LCS! Feel free to link videos as well!

I would have to say that my favorite baron steal that I’ve seen recently was in the game T8 vs GV. GV Move has already stolen one baron and is notorious for his Dragon steals, and T8 knows it. Despite T8’s efforts to block him with both an Azir and Tristana ultimate, he still makes it over the wall in time to steal the baron away with his smite.

I don’t know how this guy does it, but I think he is rather impressive when it comes to making steal plays!

The other crazy baron steal of the past week was Piglet’s blind Corki ult! The video is below:


Navigating the Pit (No Wards Necessary!)

This is a short guide on how to get around the site.

To the right of the title you’ll see a little cluster of buttons. The buttons are as follows:

  • The three lines is where you will find the headers that link to other pages within the site.
  • The magnifying glass will open up a search text box.
  • Any other buttons are widgets I have made custom for my site.

The different pages:

Home – This is where you’ll find all of my recent posts, as well as the featured posts.

About – Well, this tells you about the page.

LCS Chat – This is where we will be discussing the LCS!

If you have any questions about anything on my blog, just let me know!!
